No, I Just Have a Big Belly

by Stacey on July 21, 2010

This is an original post written by Cat. Thank you for listening to her story.   Share your story.

My daughter Henna is 2+ years old and I look like I am 4 months pregnant.  It is really hard for me because practically every time I leave the house someone asks me about my “baby.”

When they see me out with my two year old at Target they say, “Oh my! You sure will have your hands full! How far apart in age will they be?

When I go to pay off my car they say, “Baby on board!

When I am in a room full of people they say, “So, you are having another baby, huh?

I say…

No, I just have a big belly.”

They say…

“Oh, I just have babies on the brain.”


“Oh, it’s just the shirt that you are wearing.”

or my favorite,

“I’m sorry, it’s just that you are so small everywhere else.”

If I had a big butt nobody would come up to me in the grocery store and try to talk to me about.  It’s just that I am so freakish looking that the general public is 100% positive I am pregnant.  I am a mother of two and a full time college student.  I try to lose weight, but it definitely doesn’t come easy to me.  I try not to let it bother me, but let’s be honest, how could it not?

Sorry that this isn’t a more uplifting post, but I am struggling with this, and constantly tormented by well meaning morons.

Cat is a mother of a 10 year old boy, Spirit, and a 2 year old girl, Henna.  She has been married a little over three years and is currently going to school for medical coding and billing.

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1 Stacey July 21, 2010 at 1:54 am

I created this blog so women would know they are not alone, so I hope you know you are not alone either Cat. Once someone puts her foot in her mouth, she usually start by commenting on how my clothes must have made it look that way (which is kind of insulting to my style now that I think about it) and then she usually tries to back paddle one more time by also telling me that it’s just because I’m smaller everywhere else. These conversations are getting so predictable.

2 Stephanie Smith July 26, 2010 at 1:06 am

yeah i am one of those women googling ” i still look pregnant” i am getting so fed up with it! Practically every day someone asks me how far along i am. I dont understand, i have two adopted girls 14 and 11, and one biological daughter who is 16 months. I breastfed until 14 mo.’s and i exercise as much as possible too. I was itty bitty before i gave birth, in fact my 14 year old is wearing my prepregnancy clothes now ( i was a size two) now i am 150 lbs. and a size 10/12. I look skinny everywhere else but i still look like 4 months pregnant. I dont eat that much either!!! People think i am just lying around all day or pigging out. I am running around from 6 am to 11:30 at night everyday without a break, time to read, watch t.v., or nap or relax. The only t.v. i watch is Barney at 6:30 in the morning, with my daughter. I am so tired of people judging me!!! I will lose this weight !!! So tired, so frustrated!!! Thank you for this blog.

3 Julie August 17, 2010 at 12:16 pm

I just counted it up and I have had at least 4 people ask me when I was due in the past 6 months or some version of that. My husband gets furious and I am hurt. He keeps telling me he doesn’t understand why people ask me that. Yes I do have a tummy but it looks fat it doesn’t look pregnant unless I was having jelly as a baby. I have gained gained and lost weight for the past 10 years. I have one child who is 4 so I can hardly call it post partum weight. I am just sick of people asking me. I want to wear a shirt that says “No I am NOT expecting, I am just fat!” Then I can just wear it each day and then only the blind or illiterate will keep asking me.

4 Addrienne May 3, 2011 at 3:36 am

Wow, that’s a really ceelvr way of thinking about it!

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