Even if I think I see signs of someone being pregnant, I never ask a woman if she is pregnant.
photo credit: picsou_master
I am not pregnant and have not been pregnant for three and a half years.
However, I am often asked if I am pregnant, when is the baby due, how am I feeling, if the baby is kicking – I can go on and on. Some people even ask me why I still look pregnant. All of this questioning leads me to wonder…
When Is It Okay to Ask Someone If They Are Pregnant?
What are the Golden Rules? I have one basic rule. I would only ask someone if they were pregnant if a baby’s head was sticking out of her va-jay-jay. In other words, I would never ask.
When do you think it’s okay to ask a woman if she is pregnant?
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A request for people to consider the ethics of purchasing maternity clothes. Let’s face it, if people are going to have a baby in this world, it’s only right to make sure the world is in a good state! Therefore please try and consider, for example, the cloth the items are manufactured from, the human rights of the employees where they’re manufactured and the ethics of the clothes retailer. And try to share, rather than throwing away. Thanks!!!!
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